i C O V E R


Photo credit @Warriorandthegypsy

Syed’s iCOVER is exquisite! It is a must see, providing beautiful and moving images of the moments in the lives of the Muslim women. It transcends communities, touching us, providing powerful insights and views into their every day lives.
— Jane Ramsey, community activist

Mrs. Syed captures moments in the day-to-day lives of these Muslim women, moments that the average American can relate to once they "embrace" the fact that she covers her hair. The accompanying photo captions and personal quotes flesh out the dimensions of these women's lives. In the faces of a dancer, a surfer-girl, a biker, a tri-athlete and even a boxer you hear their voices, and touch their thoughts, dreams, struggles and fears. With each page, a stereotypes is shattered and the misunderstandings that surround the female followers of a faith of 1.3 billion diminish. iCOVER has garnered significant publicity both domestically and internationally. Syed has been recognized as a leading artist by the White House in 2010 for iCOVER.

Following the self-publication of her second edition, Syed accepted an invitation by His Highness, Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Mohammed al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, to the opening event of ‘iCOVER,’ a photo-documentary exhibition, in November 2011 at the prestigious Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization in the United Arab Emirates. Amongst the attendees were members of the royal family of Sharjah and U.S. Consul General Justin Siberell of Dubai.

This book is on my coffee table now and is set to live there. Everyone who visits is entranced by it - as I have been. It is at once, stunning to flip through and moving to read. Designers, ranch owners, playwrights and above all mothers give a glimpse into their lives as women who ‘cover’. If you are expecting shy, timid and oppressed types because this is what the media has led you to expect Muslim women to represent - this lovely book will be a timely enlightenment. If you are curious about the women who live alongside you, modestly in your cities and towns in America and Europe, but have been to shy to approach them- this will make you want to meet them - us!

My sincere congratulations to Sadaf Syed who has done a great service to her Muslim sisters by showing us as we are - daring to be different for the love of God and the pleasure to be had in dressing modestly.
— Lauren Booth Broadcast, journalist and human rights activist.

iCOVER is available to purchase and has been featured and reviewed nationally and globally by:

Chicago Tribune

Zaman Newspaper, Istanbul

ABC 7 News, Chicago

Cii Broadcasting, South Africa

Huffington Post, New York

• Dawn.com, Pakistan

Emel Magazine, London

The Gulf Today, United Arab Emirates

"D" di Repubblic, Italy